
The planet Jupiter is the fifth planet out from the Sun.
It is two and a half times more massive than all the other planets in the Solar System combined.
And it is made primarily of gases and is therefore known as a “gas giant”.


About Jupiter

  • Mass: 1.898×10^27 kg (317.8 x Earth)
  • Equatorial Diameter: 142,984 km
  • Equatorial Circumference: 439,264 km
  • Notable Moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede & Callisto
  • Orbit Distance: 778,340,821 km (5.20 AU)
  • Orbit Period: 4,332.82 Earth days (11.86 Earth years)
  • Surface Temperature: -108°C

Top Facts

  1. The Great Red Spot is a huge storm on Jupiter
  2. Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system
  3. Eight spacecraft have visited Jupiter

Notable Moons

Moon Mass Diameter Orbit Distance Image
Io 8.9x10^22 kg 3,642 km 421,700 km io
Europa 4.79x10^22 kg 3,220 km 670,900 km europa
Ganymede 1.4819×10^23 kg 5,268 km 1,070,400 km ganymede
Callisto 1.08x10^23 kg 4,821 km 1,883,000 km callisto